Ian has the ability to break down his boxing technique and apply it
to MMA in such a way as to make it clear and workable to the beginner
and the more experienced striker alike. All of the seminar attendees
enjoyed his teaching methods and felt a marked improvement in their
Stand-up fighting
John Kavanagh
SBG Regional Director Ireland
Irish MMA Champion
Winner of numerous Grappling/ BJJ Championships including European champion
Seminar Content
- Angles
- Evasion
- Punching your weight
- Avoiding the ‘Danger zone’
- Effective clinch control
- Strikers Vs grapplers clinch
- Striking from the clinch and detaching
- Game plan from the clinch
- Takedowns from Grapplers clinch
- Standing up from your back (High and Low guard)
-Top positional dominance and when to stand up
For seminar bookings or enquiries contact Ian on 07789 622895 or email ianbutlin@hotmail.com
most striking coaching seems to emphasise punching pads and conditioning.
While integral to proficience the more important aspects of footwork and
evasion are often overlooked. Ian's seminars have been invaluable in the
development of our striking game. His coaching and progressions are easy to
follow and have instant carryover in to live sparring. Can't reccomend him
highly enough.
Paul Mc Veigh
SBG Regional Director Scotland
Cagewarriors unbeaten Featherweight Champion
Cagewarriors unbeaten bantamweight champion
Extreme Brawl unbeaten Bantamweight champion
Scottish MMA Champion