Ian "M16" Butlin is a full time trainer and coach. He has been training in combat sports all his life and has notably travelled around the world representing his country in both boxing and Mixed Martial Arts/ Cage Fighting.
Ian has fought in Japan, America and The Seychelles aswell as around Europe and has also fought for domestic titles in both sports. Ever since he made his professional debut back in 2003 at Cagewarriors 4: UK Vs France. Butlin, one of the sports most charismatic fighters, has been known in UKMMA circles for his entertaining style and is never shy of speaking his mind.
His attitude along with distinctive and unique tattoos endeared him to many UKMMA fans around the country. A former Cagewarriors and Cage Rage Title challenger. Ian Butlin has fought some of Europes best fighters in the 65 - 70 kilo weight categories and has often voiced his frustrations at the lack of UK opposition willing to face him, never losing at 70 kilos to a UK fighter.
Ian has a BSc honours degree in Sports Science, and also picked up a British University Boxing Gold medal whilst he was a student. He moved into personal training first with Livingwell and then working for Fighting Fit Training where he continues to develop his clients using a combination of his fighting and academic experience along with the drive and personal motivation that has driven his success.
Ian currently works in Mixed Martial Arts for MMA Consultancy. He has travelled around the world working as a cut/ cornerman as well as a fighter. He also works for fight shows in the UK as a commentator and judge. His work can be seen/ heard on such shows as Cagewarriors, FX3, Strike and Submit and the Yorkshire show 'Champions'. He has also worked with Cagewarriors and his brother Daves promotion Quannum Fighting Challenge to help run the events and help promotion.
Ian has a passion for the camera and is now working on a new TV project which will be out for next year helping a good friend. He has featured on 3 documentary style shows before including ITV's 'Wood you believe it' and Bravo/ Virgin1's 'Danny Dyers Deadliest Men: Living Dangerously'. Anyone interested in working with Ian can get in touch via this site.